Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Regarding cadmium (Cd), we are continuously conducting epidemiological investigations such as a survey of the regional accumulation of health effects caused by exposure to Cd (see the figure), by applying new methods including estimation of the Cd tolerance level using the Benchmark dose method. Regarding occupational health, we are conducting investigations of the rotating shift system, long working hours, and occupational stress to examine their relationship with health indices.
In the field of preventive medicine, research themes have developed from fatal diseases caused by significant environmental pollution, to effects on health and diseases in the general population due to low-dose exposure. We also intend to continue research in residents of areas that are not polluted by Cd, as well as company workers.
Yasushi Suwazono, MD, PhD.
TEL: +81-43-226-2065
FAX: +81-43-226-2066
e-mail: suwa●faculty.chiba-u.jp
URL: http://www.m.chiba-u.ac.jp/class/hygiene/
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Research & Education

- Management of working environment
- Health management
- Interaction between environment and human being
- Public environmental hazard
- Prevention of occupational disease
- Work management
- Mental health of workers
Recent Publications
- Nogawa K, Suwazono Y, Watanabe Y, Elinder CG. Estimation of Benchmark Dose of Cumulative Cadmium Exposure for Renal Tubular Effect. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 May 13;18(10):5177.
- Watanabe Y, Nogawa K, Nishijo M, Sakurai M, Ishizaki M, Morikawa Y, Kido T, Nakagawa H, Suwazono Y. Relationship between cancer mortality and environmental cadmium exposure in the general Japanese population in cadmium non-polluted areas. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2020 Jan;223(1):65-70.
- Nogawa K, Suwazono Y, Nishijo M, Sakurai M, Ishizaki M, Morikawa Y, Watanabe Y, Kido T, Nakagawa H. Increase of lifetime cadmium intake dose-dependently increased all cause of mortality in female inhabitants of the cadmium-polluted Jinzu River basin, Toyama, Japan. Environ Res. 2018 Jul;164:379-384.