Molecular Diagnosis
Upon technical innovations of data-science as well as omix analysis, the cutting-edge technologies such as single-cell analyses and genome-editing system is emerging a big paradigm shift in the field of molecular biology and diagnosis. This is bonafide a kind of molecular biological movement of the Renaissance to answer the question of 120 years ago “D'où Venons Nous Que Sommes Nous Où Allons Nous”, a testament of Paul Gauguin. These technologies enable us, not only to dynamically, qualitatively, visually and systematically understand underling mechanisms of single gene, single molecule, single cell and their complicated networks in vivo, also to open up new perspectives on the pathogenesis of “Life, Aging, Disease and Death”, and thereby control them. Our lab organizes research projects, focusing on tumor & stem cell biology, immuno-metabolic pathophysiology and aging with the theme in molecular biology and diagnosis of “Life-Aging-Disease-Death”, based on novel technologies & methodologies.
Tomoaki Tanaka, M.D., Ph.D.
TEL: +81-43-226-2170
FAX: +81-43-226-2169
e-mail: tomoaki●
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Research & Education

- Application of multi-omix analyses including genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and transcriptomics to elucidate the underlying mechanisms, particularly focusing on the regulatory system of transcriptional network and epigenetics for a variety of human disorders such as cancer, aging, immune disorders and life-style related disease.
- Elucidation of role of tumor suppressor pathways, in particular p53 signaling, and oncogenic signals as well as non-coding RNAs in the regulation of stem cell functions, nuclear reprogramming and stem cell commitment & differentiation, for endocrine and tumors.
- Application of genome-editing system using CRISPR/Cas9 in vitro & vivo, to reveal and understand the molecular pathogenesis of cancer, endocrine disorders, aging-associated & life-style-related disease including diabetes and obesity.
- Technical innovations of genetic testing & clinical sequencing as well as genetic counseling for next generation of personalized medicine.
Recent Publications
- Fujimoto M, Tanaka T*. Liver Group 2 innate lymphoid cells regulate blood glucose levels through IL-13 signalling and suppressing gluconeogenesis . Nature Communications. (in press).
- Ochiiwa H, Ailiken G, Yokoyama M, Okubo S, Tanaka T*. TAS4464, a NEDD8-activating enzyme inhibitor, activates both intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways via c-Myc-mediated regulation in acute myeloid leukemia. Oncogene. (2021) 40:1217-1230.
- Nagano H, Hashimoto N, Nakayama A, Suzuki S, Miyabayashi Y, Yamato A, Higuchi S, Fujimoto M, Sakuma I, Beppu M, Yokoyama M, Ikeda K, Tatsuno I, Manabe I, Yokote K, Inoue S, Tanaka T*. p53-Inducible DPYSL4 Associates with Mitochondrial Supercomplexes and Regulates Energy Metabolism in Adipocytes and Cancer Cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. (2018) 15(33):8370-8357.
- Hosokawa H, Romero-Wolf M, Yui A M, Ungerbäck J, Quiloan M, Matsumoto M, Nakayama I. K, Tanaka T, Rothenberg V. E. Bcl11b defines pro-T identity by site-specific cofactor recruitment and by repressing Id2 and Zbtb16. Nature Immunology. (2018) 19(12):1427-1440.