Legal Medicine
Legal medicine is an academic discipline in which researchers establish the causes of injury or death to utilize this knowledge for the sake of living people, with the objective of contributing to the protection of people’s rights, the safety of society, and the improvement of social welfare.
Hirotaro Iwase, M.D., Ph.D.
TEL: +81-43-226-2078
FAX: +81-43-226-2079
e-mail: iwase●
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Research & Education

Doctors, dentists, pharmacists, clinical laboratory technicians, and other graduate students have gained practical experience in their field while engaged in research. We are now actively recruiting as many students as possible for next year who are interested in legal medicine, while also offering seminars that build on the results of our practical work to train graduate students and other specialists from other nearby universities in addition to Chiba University. The following are some of the research topics currently under investigation by faculty and graduate students.
・ Comparison of post-mortem CT and autopsy findings
・ Estimation of age at death by using multidetector computed tomography images
・ Age determination and DNA analysis from single tooth
・ Research on Illegal drugs
Recent Publications
- Chiba F, Inokuchi G, Hoshioka Y, Sakuma A, Makino Y, Torimitsu S, Yamaguchi R, Saitoh H, Kono M, Iwase H. Age estimation by evaluation of osteophytes in thoracic and lumbar vertebrae using postmortem CT images in a modern Japanese population. Int J Legal Med. 2022 Jan;136(1):261-267.
- Yoshida M, Makino Y, Hoshioka Y, Saito N, Yamaguchi R, Chiba F, Inokuchi G, Iwase H. Technical and interpretive pitfalls of postmortem CT: Five examples of errors revealed by autopsy. J Forensic Sci. 2022 Jan;67(1):395-403.
- Hoshioka Y, Abe H, Yajima D, Makino Y, Yamaguchi R, Saitoh H, Inokuchi G, Motomura A, Nagasawa S, Iwase H. The composition of chlorinated or oxidized phosphatidylcholine products changes with hypochlorite concentration: Application to abscess lipid analysis. Leg Med (Tokyo). 2020 Sep;46:101724.
- Inokuchi G, Yoshida M, Makino Y, Iwase H. Utility of contrast-enhanced computed tomography in forensic examination of a stab wound in living individuals. Forensic Sci Med Pathol. 2019 Sep;15(3):463-469.