Biochemistry & Genetics
In our laboratory, we are investigating regulation of genes critical for daily behavioral, neuroplastic and metabolic rhythms, neurodegenerative diseases and angiogenesis, from the point of views how the genes are regulated in systemic, cellular and molecular levels, and what are biological consequences of the altered gene expression.
Katsuro Iwase, Ph.D.
TEL: +81-43-226-2042
FAX: +81-43-226-2037
e-mail: kiwase●
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Research & Education

- Regulation of genes critical for daily behavioral, neuroplastic and metabolic rhythms.
- Onset mechanism of neurodegenerative diseases and aging brain.
- Search and development of compounds controlling angiogenesis.
- Development of treatment and pathological diagnosis method based on genetic abnormality for malignant mesothelioma.
Recent Publications
- Iwase K, Ishihara A, Yoshimura S, Andoh Y, Kato M, Seki N, Matsumoto E, Hiwasa T, Muller D, Fukunaga K and Takiguchi, M. (2014) The secretogranin II gene is a signal integrator of glutamate and dopamine inputs. J. Neurochem. 128, 233-245
- Taira A, Arita E, Matsumoto E, Oohira A, Iwase K, Hiwasa T, Yokote K, Shibata S and Takiguchi M. (2019) Systemic oscillator-driven and nutrient-responsive hormonal regulation of daily expression rhythms for gluconeogenic enzyme genes in the mouse liver. Chronobiol. Int. 36, 591-615.
- Toda H, Seki N, Kurozumi S, Shinden Y, Yamada Y, Nohata N, Moriya S, Idichi T, Maemura K, Fujii T, Horiguchi J, Kijima Y and Natsugoe S. (2020) RNA-sequence-based microRNA expression signature in breast cancer: tumor-suppressive miR-101-5p regulates molecular pathogenesis. Mol. Oncol. 14, 426-446
- Zhong B, Shingyoji M, Hanazono M, Nguyễn T T T, Morinaga T, Tada Y, Hiroshima K, Shimada H and Tagawa M. (2020) Combination of a p53-activating CP-31398 and an MDM2 or a FAK inhibitor produces growth suppressive effects in mesothelioma with wild-type p53 genotype. Apoptosis 25, 535-547